Exposing Propaganda: Facebook "Whistleblower" Frances Haugen

3 years ago

The Facebook "Whistleblower" Frances Haugen brings all the markings of classic propaganda. This nonsense has descended from the heavens to inform us that we are all incapable of deciding for ourselves what we say on social media. Her "Leak" is little more than a cherrypicked joke, meant to show the most ridiculous examples of online shitposts and paint them in the light of some kind of danger to society. So why is it then, that the media and the government is taking this mindless claptrap so seriously?

In this video I go over the tools of propaganda via Historians.org and how it relates to this highly questionable "leak" which brings "revelations" that are anything but insightful. Explore how emotional and psychological manipulation are being used to gaslight the masses into accepting more censorship on the internet.

TL;DR, Don't trust Frances Haugen. The entire thing smells of a possible psyop.

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Background Music: Caught_in_the_Drift, CC 4.0 license
Artist: TechnoAXE

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