Horde Base Setup | 7 Days To Die | Part 2

3 years ago

7 Days To Die Alpha 20 game play.

Horde night every night with five people trying to survive. Sorry for the fps on this video we are trying to work out how to make it better, but end up making it worse or there is no change. We also don't have an intro or outro ready yet, but may have them soon. Also this was a long game session, so that is the reason why this video is cut abruptly. Ideas and criticisms are welcome here. Thanks for watching!

Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/251570/7_Days_to_Die/
7DTD Official: https://7daystodie.com/

Mod Link: https://7daystodiemods.com/bdubyahs-vehicles-all-in-one/

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