Solar Boondocking, "Bushed Up" in the Kofa NWR!

3 years ago

Howdy Campers! ("Flash back video from 2016")
Here we are at Kofa NWR Boondocking, or as a good friend said "Getting Bushed"!
This is a nice place to get away from the RV masses and enjoy the pure wonder of the desert nature.
This is a 14-day stay area just like BLM lands with the exception you can only stay no more than 14-days in a year. The only complaint if there is one, was the morning traffic heading up to the mountain trails. This is one nice peace of desert, not damaged by to much use.
So get us to help you with a solar power system for your RV and you can come out "off the cord" and enjoy the wonders of the open desert south west!
Call us or e-mail at ---
Our web
Happy Trails!!!
Eddie --- Mobile Homestead Solar Services (252) 475-8034

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