You will own nothing and you will be happy

2 years ago

8 predictions for the world in 2030

You will own nothing and you will be happy

Yeah sure. What nice "predictions" (plans) the World Economic Forum has.

They wish USA to became 3rd world country? Yeah sure it would be much easier to implement the global slavery.

Oh and I cannot wait when another Amazon delivery drone will risk to burn down another building block by "accidentally" catching fire.

And yeah increase the rate of climate change by active weather manipulation used in geoengineering (Copyright by Lowell Wood) spraying even more into our skies.

And of course then blame it on us.

And just launder ever more trillions of dollars by selling carbon quotes and taxes.

And yeah, break the Western values as planned, because the WEF is the most afraid of free people especially if they smart and able to think for themselves.

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