Dark To Light: A Different Take on the SCOTUS

3 years ago

Make sure to go to http://BlueMonsterPrep.com!! *Blue Monster Prep and our whole family have escaped out of California – before the wheels fall off – and we are now officially in Texas! To celebrate, for all orders over $100 in the month of January, everyone will receive a special gift of one of our assorted 4 Serving Entree Dinners from our tasty menu of 25-year shelf-life Emergency Food, which are conveniently packaged in a single pouch, an Emergency Survival Blanket and a Super Cedar Fire Starter! And of course, the Beanz family/audience always gets FREE Shipping when they use the promo code, BEANZ!

Today, we break down the narrative, go over some more reasons why there was scrambling over the weekend (even by the left-wing media) to fact-check Justice Sotomayor and listen to some clips to round the entire thing out.

Also, we also get into a discussion about the circular firing squad and why that isn’t very helpful.

Make sure to listen to this action-packed Dark to Light Podcast!


New York data on FROM COVID vs WITH COVID: https://t.me/disclosetv/6376

Childers and his analysis: https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/-coffee-and-covid-saturday-january-2be?r=3o5jt&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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