NEW!!! Pinto Bean Fritters – Struggle Food for Hard Times – The Hillbilly Kitchen

3 years ago

Pinto Bean Fritters – One Pot Leftover Meal – Veggie Burgers – The Hillbilly Kitchen
Pinto bean fritters are tasty little treats that you can mix up for pennies. You can eat them as a snack, appetizer, side dish, meal or a veggie burger. They are super easy with endless varieties. Have fun with this recipe. Change the ingredients to suit your taste or use what you have on hand. What ever you do don’t throw out the few spoons of leftovers you have the next time you make beans and taters for dinner, save them for some Pinto Bean Fritters.
Pinto bean fritters are another old recipe that saved our ancestors from starvation, and they are much tastier than any of that outrageously expensive emergency food. Make sure you have a bag of pinto beans in your pantry.

Put God First!!! 😊

15 ounce can Pinto Beans or 1 ½ cup leftover Pintos
½ cup Breadcrumbs or Flour or Cornmeal (leftover cornbread)
1 Egg
Milk to adjust consistency
Salt, Pepper and Spices to taste
½ cup Grated Cheese (add in mix or top)
Sour Cream (add in mix or top)
½ cup Chopped Peppers
½ cup Chopped Onions
½ cup Corn
Leftover fried Potatoes (add in mix or on the side)
Alex likes them with a little ketchup to dip them in.

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Several kind folks have asked for a way to share a monetary blessing. Please do not feel obligated in any way. Please do not send anything you need; it would break my heart if I thought I had taken something you needed. I have taken care of Bret’s final expenses and the Lord has supplied my needs. Unless you specify a use for what you give it will be divided 25% to the Lord’s work, 25% to upgrades to the kitchen and video equipment and 50% into a retirement fund. Your prayers are the most valuable and appreciated gift I could ever receive. God Bless You ALL and THANK YOU!

A very special thank you to Jessica Danielzuk, Tiona Lee, floraine hine, Joy and MIke Lester, Lisa Gail Pollock, Lily Sieu, Daniel C. Glanz, Elizabeth Vanway, Molly Martin, Cynthia Pabst, Josie Kidd, Alanna Wescott, Debra Giuliano, Arlene Bulansk, Kirsten K Fitzgerald, Debbie George, Raymond & Monica Leung, Kristen Schnese, . Your generosity along with the trust you have placed in me with you gift reaffirms my faith and God’s direction for my life. You have all blessed me beyond what I can ever express words and I pray Our God returns that blessing to you.

Special thank you for all of the sweet letters and cards from our Hillbilly Kitchen family that continue to arrive daily with blessings, encouragement and comfort: Dana Pearce, Linda Wagner, Kim Ballan, Noah Counts, Marie Cochran, Sue Faber, Susan Bruce & Mom, Linda Light, Unknown from MN, Jackie Koliais, Tom & Sharon Costello, Nancy Mehay, Lydia Hinojosn, Debbie Jewell, Sherry Crosby, Lillian Hiyama, Rick & Marilyn Hansen, Irene Romero, Terrica Jestice, Charlotte Ochoa, Kimberly Copeland, Sissy Sheets, Debbie George, Diane in NJ, Jodie Jividen, Wanda Brown, Julie Bancroft (Bret was a huge Zig Fan 😊 ), Raymond & Monica Leung, Phyllis Kerr (Stamps), Jamie Codima, Linda Richards, Mary Ward, MA Watson, Kristen Schnese, Tracy Prock, Susan Brungard, Rachel Bang, Brittany Ricker, Wanda Sopchak, Joyce Edwards, Roger Swayze, Tina Hitz, Carol Ramsey, Tom & Linda Grimes (Donated 5 Bibles in Bret’s Memory!!! ), Carol Belau, Dorinda Castillo, Brenda Wood and Deborah Bentley ( sent a gift that made Charlotte smile )

Business inquires:
The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

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