Message From the Mountain Top-Security, Peace, Prosperity, Hope-Tuesday Talk, The Hillbilly Kitchen

3 years ago

Message From the Mountain Top - Security, Peace, Prosperity, Hope – Tuesday Talk – The Hillbilly Kitchen

The 23rd Psalm is more than just words; it is the life the Lord wants His children to have. He wants us to live knowing we are safe and secure. He wants us to have complete peace. He wants to bless us so that we all we need and want. More than anything He wants to welcome us Home. I pray you experience a 23rd Psalm life.

We filmed this today and drove home to edit it. It was spontaneous. I am sorry we are getting it up so late. The photos on the end are from a motorcycle trip that Bret, me, Samantha and David took up to Newfound Gap in 2011. While it was different today with Alexandria, Andrew and all of you it was a wonderful day!

In future Tuesday Talks we will be answering some of our most asked questions, sharing kitchen ideas, food storage tips, life hacks…Life goes on.

The Hillbilly Kitchen Teespring Store – Tees, Hoodies, Mugs, Bags and more -

The Hillbilly Kitchen Verses and Vittles: Down Home Country Cooking -

Several kind folks have asked for a way to share a monetary blessing. Please do not feel obligated in any way. Please do not send anything you need; it would break my heart if I thought I had taken something you needed. I have taken care of Bret’s final expenses and the Lord has supplied my needs. Unless you specify a use for what you give it will be divided 25% to the Lord’s work, 25% to upgrades to the kitchen and video equipment and 50% into a retirement fund. Your prayers are the most valuable and appreciated gift I could ever receive. God Bless You ALL and THANK YOU!
A very special thank you to Sharon Hoerth. Your generosity along with the trust you have placed in me with you gift reaffirms my faith and God’s direction for my life. You have all blessed me beyond what I can ever express words and I pray Our God returns that blessing to you.

Special thank you for all of the sweet letters and cards from our Hillbilly Kitchen family that continue to arrive daily with blessings, encouragement and comfort: Ginalyn Duke, Patrick Lafontaine, Genny Miller, Doug & Carol Fraser, Mona Sullivan, Becky Core, Kate Miller, Terri Banks, Cissy Bottomly, Margie Mulder, Frances Shows, Susan McMahon, Carol Perks, Heather Eades (Gift) and Elizabeth Pike (Gifts)

Business inquires:
The Hillbilly Kitchen
P.O. Box 243
New Tazewell, TN 37824

#PutGodFirst #TheHillbillyKitchen #SouthernCooking #AppalachianCooking #CountryCooking #VersesAndVittles #HomeCooking #SouthernCooking #Recipe #VideoCookingTutorial #Cooking #Food #Foodie #HowToCook #HowToMake #MomsCooking #GrandmasCooking #GrannysRecipes #OldFashionedCooking #OldTimeCooking #ComfortFood #StruggleFood #BestRecipe #Yummy #DeliciousRecipe #Tasty #BudgetRecipe #EasyRecipe #SimpleCooking #NoFailRecipe #BeginnerCookTutorial #RealFood #SimpleRecipe #QuarantineCooking #HeirloomRecipe #100YearOldRecipe #Frying #Baking #SundayDinner #PotLuck #ChurchDinners #CookingTipsAndTricks #Love #EternalLife #Salvation #ChristianMan #Marriage #Widowed #Grief #Hope #Memorial #BretWalker #BretAndBecky #TrueLove #BrokenHeart #Security #Peace #Prosperity #Hope #LifeGoesOn

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