Celestial Objects 09JAN22

3 years ago

From the CO depart of trans FAA weather cams. Captured in realtime (appx 1hr delay.) These videos are composed of 1frame every 10 minutes, and evidence that there are unknown celestial bodies in near earth proximity.
Luke chapter 21 finds Jesus warning of signs in the heavens at the epoch representing the final days. The wickedness of the global conspiracy regarding CV19 is a clear marker that end time requirements are occurring right now. These images are of a planet-like body that can be followed by those stationary cameras that are uncensored and of areas of the sky where chem-trails are not used to obscure the sky. Most of the images that offer very good images are from stationary cams in mountain passes. The closer to sea-level the cameras are, the hazier the sky, and the more-easily obscured are these mysterious heavenly bodies.

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