SCIENCE & THE BIBLE | Session 08: Medicine 9/11

3 years ago

Welcome to session 8 in our 11 part series “Science & The Bible!” This series examines the relationship between different disciplines of Science and the Bible and the arguments surrounding this topic. In this lesson we will look at what the Bible has to say about Medicine. From the principles of quarantine to garbage disposal, physical fitness and even dealing with poop, it turns out the Bible has a lot to say about staying healthy and living healthy. Tune in to find out how God instructed His people to live and why these instruction were incredible and important, even for our modern lives!

Music Credits: Stock Music provided by EnhancedVision, from Pond5

Unsplash Photo Credits: Madison Agardi, Bermix Studio Chandler Cruttenden, Mélissa Jeanty, Jiawei Chen, Simon Arthur, the blowup, Michael Schiffer, Sandy Millar, Valeria Smirnova, Ritesh Raj, Josh Duke, Karoline Vargdal, Vadim Sadovski, Jimmy Dean, Volodymyr Hryshchenko, Diana Polekhina

Wikimedia Commons: Pierart dou Tielt, Jenő Doby - Benedek, István, Mayo Clinic

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