Erev Shabbat Service - October 15th, 2021

3 years ago

Come join the TNS community as we gather together back in our sanctuary to celebrate Shabbat. With the wisdom of our Rabbi, the joyous music of Cantorial Soloist and song leader Benny Lipson, and the wisdom of our tradition, these services always bring renewal and rest from the challenges of the week as we welcome the Sabbath Queen into our lives.
Friday, October 15th, 2021 @ 7:30pm

TNS Sanctuary
880 Hampshire Road
Westlake Village

#templenersimcha #rabbibarclay #rabbimichaelbarclay #shabbatshalom #proudtobejewish #ilovemysynagogue #sephardicjew #sistersofsimcha #jewishlife #proudjew #jewsofinstagram #tnsmensclub #shabbatshalomyall #unitedjews #shabbatservices #shabbatqueen #jews #lajews #jewswithviews #westlakevillageca #NoNeedtoPaytoPray #shabbatservice #thousandoaks #agourahills #calabasasca #freeshabbatprogram #queenofshabbat

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