3 years ago

China’s Xi Endorses Hong Kong’s ‘Patriots-Only’ Election Amid Criticism From West

On Sunday Dec 19th the election in Hong Kong was held in which only candidates determined by the CCP to be “patriots” were allowed to run. As a laugh, following the election, the United States and other western countries expressed “grave concerns” over the erosion of democratic elements of Hong Kong’s electoral system and growing restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly. What about the erosion of free speech and elections in the US?

Here is how China changed the Hong Kong Gov. - The revamped LegCo consists of three types of seats: 20 for different regions in the city, called the geographic constituencies; 30 for different business and professional bodies, called functional constituencies; and 40 for the Election Committee, called EC constituencies, a selected few of Beijing loyalists. The geographic seats are directly elected, the functional ones are indirectly elected, while the EC ones are closed to appointment.

Hongkongers Reject the New Election System
Yet the people are fighting back - just as you are! In the election that took place on Dec. 19, the turnout rate for the geographical constituencies was a meagre 30.2 percent, the lowest since 1991 when Hong Kong held its first direct election. As for the functional constituencies, the turnout was only 32.2 percent, the lowest since 1985 when the city started to have elections in its legislature. At the same time, invalid tickets (including blank and defaced ones) jumped to 2.04 percent, a record high since 1997 when Britain returned the city to China.

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