10 Jan 22, Knight Moves: The Feast of the Epiphany

3 years ago

Today's Topics:

1) Epiphany, which means "manifestation of," is the feast in which the Catholic Church celebrates the revelation that Christ came for the salvation of all peoples. Greg and Mark briefly discuss the origins of the Epiphany. At one time it was a collective celebration of the Nativity, the Epiphany, the Baptism of Jesus, and the Wedding at Cana

2) The writings of Saint Augustine and Venerable Fulton Sheen on the Epiphany are examined and discussed in the second segment

3) The meaning and symbolism of the Baptism of Christ and how it was prefigured in the Old Testament was the focus of the third segment

4) In the final segment Mark and Greg focus on the Wedding Feast at Cana and how this event is important in our salvation story. Mark also details the Polish Knights of Columbus traditions surrounding the Feast of the Epiphany

Theme: "Salve Regina" performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
For more information please visit Floriani.org

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