Jan 10 test

3 years ago

*Note: This information is shared for educational and training purposes. Jan 8th video archived.

This is a Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) test performed approximately 4 months after symptoms began following administration of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine (see Nov 5th video for details titled: POTS test).

Chronological List of symptoms of significance:

List of existing symptoms prior to Nov 3rd 2021:

Elevated heartrate on standing without drop in blood pressure/POTS
episode of high heartrate while walking
Sleep disturbances
Loss of appetite and unplanned weight loss
Occasional night sweats in the absence of fever and persistent heat intolerance

Milestones of symptoms of significance beginning Nov 3rd 2021.

Nov 3rd: Exhaustion and sustained muscle pain on mild exertion (neurological in nature, a “burning sensation”). Uncontrolled muscle spasms most notable in extremities and generally worse upon awakening. Exacerbated by exercise.

~Nov 5th: Intermittent left side chest pain
Nov 6th: Modest elevation of troponin levels (.05 at zero hour mark/on admission to ER from baseline .03 on prior visit. Rising to .07 at 1 hour 30 minute mark before discharge).

~Nov 10: Stomach pain after eating meals.

Dec 9th: Mild to modest difficulty swallowing solid food. Food must be well chewed, and a sip of liquid often needed to help swallow.
Dec 9th: Frequent need to urinate.

Sometime before Dec 23rd: Modest discoloration of hands (blotched/bluing of fingers) and uncontrolled tremors.

Dec 23rd: Change in electrocardiogram from baseline (last run on Nov 6th).

~Dec 26th: Lost the ability to sneeze or complete a yawn.
Dec 26th: Lost the ability to swallow solid food.

~Dec 28th: Sustained headache
~Dec 28th: “Pins and needles” sensation right arm.
~Dec 28th: Mild to moderate numbness on right side of face.

~Dec 29th: Frequent inhalation of small bits of food (3mm in size or smaller). Meals must be the consistency of gravy. Uncontrolled weight loss begins.

~Jan 5: Frequent need to urinate subsides/resolved
~Jan 10: “Pins and needles” sensation in right arm resolved

Jan 12: Regained the ability to sneeze

~Jan 13: Numbness on right side of face near fully resolved
~Jan 13: Sustained headache subsides

~Jan 20: Weight stabilized on liquefied diet and high calorie supplement drinks.
~Jan 20: “Pins and needles” sensation in lower legs with mild numbness in feet.
~Jan 22: Loss of balance/unsteady. Need to stand with feet wide apart to maintain balance.

~Feb 1: Improvement in balance. “Pins and needles” sensation in lower legs has resolved and numbness in feet has resolved/nearly resolved. Episodes of unsteadiness decrease.

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