Project H2O - Kingdom Ventures International

3 years ago

Project H2o- bringing Hope to Others through clean drinking water was birthed out of a prayer that was prayed from a desire to help those who have no clean drinking water. Our desire is to partner with local churches around the world and you to purchase water filters for these areas.

The water filters last up to 10 years or 100,000 gallons of filtered water and clean approximately 99.99% of all contaminants.

We have already had the privilege to take over 100 filters to Peru and Mexico. Our desire is to bring not only clean drinking water but to show many people how Jesus Christ is the Living Water and it is He that brings hope.

If you would like to give to buy a water filter, please click on our donate page. We are so blessed to be able to partner with you all as we take the gospel and clean water to many places around the world.

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