Exposing Bill Gates - Part 1 (Eugenics, Genocide, Child Trafficking...)

3 years ago

THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 08,09,10 - Exposure of Bill Gates - Part 1 (Corruption, Depopulation, Eugenics, Genocide, Child Trafficking and more...)

● Part 08 - 00m:00s -Exposure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
■ Meet the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: one of the most influential NGOs of the 21st century. On the outside a benign philanthropic foundation… but on the inside one of the darkest Cabal tools imaginable. We’ll expose their complicity in vaccination experiments on innocent people across the world. We’ll show you the devastating results: children crippled, sterilized, mutilated for the rest of their lives. Human guinea pigs used to see how many would die as a result of the venom shot into their veins. All of BMGF’s programs were/are fully supported by the UN, the WHO, and UNICEF. Are you still considering donating money to any of these foundations? You won’t… after seeing this episode!


● Part 09 - 28m:40s - Bill Gates GMO Everything & Corruption of the World Health Organization.
■ Bill Gates’ super fetish for GMOs is further revealed in this episode. From super-chickens to kill-switch mosquitoes. Released on the population of Less Developed Countries, they caused havoc... as always when Gates presents a new idea. Big Pharma companies like Hendrix Genetics and Oxitec, plus the University of Wageningen (NL) and the US Army Medical Research & Development Command made a pact with the Devil and created a whole new variety of biological warfare options. Let’s explore… in Part 9!


● Part 10 - 57m:23s - Bill Gates Buying Shares of Companies of Control & Epstein Connections.
■ The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s investments in Big Pharma companies and some of the worst polluters in the world (like Bayer/Monsanto) are overshadowed by their interest in companies that sell products on-line. We’ll show you Gates’ involvement in pedophilia and child trafficking, his close friendship with convicted child-abuser Epstein, his visits to Epstein-Island, and his massive financial support of webshops that sell Adrenochrome and items that refer to missing children through strange codes. Mister Nice turns out not to be so nice after all...

Documentary made by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
If you liked this part, please consider supporting their work: https://www.valcabal.nl/

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