Roaring 2022 - Extremes of Communists to implement Totalitarian Plan 3/3

3 years ago

January 9 2022 Straight Shooting News

Why Does Evil Always Fail, Because Empires Build on Lies instead of facts always crumble. The Truth Will Crush Lies. In 2022 it will be up to We The People to correct the wrongs and then the USA be like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes to rescue the Free World, or comply to the Plan for Global Slavery.

We begin with the mandate cases in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, because how the Court rules will determine what lies ahead in the upcoming months in the Fight between A Free Society much like Our Founders Wrote for us all, or Government Tyranny.

Next we will move to the intense informational war over the mandates over forcing the jabs on us all. You will understand much better the importance of the U.S. SJC Ruling by the end of part II, and whether or not Our Founders design has been perverted or not.

In Part III We will expose the desperation of the criminal element that has infested Our Government.

Part III
The Extremes to which the Communists will go to implement their Totalitarian Plan

Point of Concern Most People are unaware of? China Farmland

Distractions? Who could be funding these distractions? Last Night we showed you how the FBI Plot to kidnap Gov Whitmore was falling apart. Tonight well take a look at this about Gov Whitmore / Rioting

Meet the New U.S. AG of Massachusetts
Remember Rachael Rollins words when progressives tell Americans they must remain civil.
We showed you the full clip of the comments made by Sen. Ted Cruz where he referenced Rollins words and her actions, and all of it can be verified as factual.
Then referenced Rollins interview with a local college where she referred to Race and Equity as her main focus. Her words, Not Ours
So are we to believe that she is really for “Equal Justice Under The Rule of Law” or is she deceiving us like most progressives do utilizing the principles of Communist to take down a free state?
It appears we will soon find out.

But let’s call Progressives what they really are Puppets for Communists Out to Cover Up Their Own Crimes and that are trying to Destroy Our Country The Free Way of Life in America and across the global, remember what you just watched from Gov Whitmore to New Mass AG Rollins. How did Rollins put it?
“Power is Never Given, It Is Taken!”

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