Journey 2 Service - Episode 41 - Changes Coming That Are Outside of this World!

3 years ago

I was a guest at the show with my friends Randall and William. Here is their description.

Hamid B. makes his first appearance on the show and brings his very unique (more-than-E.T.) perspective on the global monetary system situation we find ourselves in. A very different viewpoint than what we've already heard from our regular panelists (i.e. our 'All-Stars!).

Don't forget Randall's book too! 'Public & Banking Debt Is Just An Illusion’
Randall's book/ebook is now available on Amazon. The price for the ebook is $9.99 and NOW IN PAPERBACK $17CAD! You can find both here -

Follow the Writer of Randall’s Book - Danushia Kazmareck at & on her website is at

Lee Mudway is an advocate for the people taking charge of their monetary system through a newly created concept currently called the Global People’s Monetary System that involves inclusion of all rather than adopting a system applied to humanity by a certain group of people who are supposedly at (or from) at different level than the rest of humanity.

Discovering the world of ‘Upper Level Banking’ (NOT “finance”) is where Randy has travailed and learned so much. He wants so badly for the rest of humanity to see and comprehend what goes on at these high levels because as we ‘the people’ better understand that we are far more free and powerful than many of us currently realize, we can begin to integrate newer, higher-levels of prosperity into each one of our lives. Come discover more about this loving, nature-loving, people-loving man who wants to give to humanity to help not only the city that he calls home (i.e. Calgary), but the world. His mission is to allow all of mankind to become a much, much richer more ways than one! Along with him come the wonderful blessings of his friends and colleagues.

And of course, William the host of the show who’s main purpose to question and pull information and knowledge from both these gentlemen so that more people can discover the kind of prosperity is actually available to all. And so in a way that they will be able to relate to and comprehend.

Got a Question for Randall or Lee? Leave in the comments below and we may speak to it in an upcoming weekly broadcast! Even if your question doesn’t get addressed during an episode of Journey to Service, we will at least respond to you in the comments as a form of gratitude for your contribution.

New Theme Song – ‘The Rising’ – Aakash Gandhi via YouTube Music.

Footage for Intro and Extro from Pexels and Pixabay We recognize the following artists for the footage used here....

Mikhail Nilov
Ramon Stuckey
Anastasia Shuraeva
Francesco Morrone
Kindel Media
Suzy Hazelwood
Jill Wellington
Karolina Grabowska
Laura Tancredi
Vinícius Vieira Ft
Jill Wellington

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