TWC (Demo)

3 years ago

So, for some reason, I happened to be looking back on the olden days — you know, the early 90s — and remembered zoning out, at times, on The Weather Channel. I don't know about you, but, to me, The Weather Channel put out some of the smoothest new-age-proto-jazz-type sounds to be heard. Heck, if I didn't know better, I'd think Kenny G owes his career to The Weather Channel! Anywho, thinking about the music they played over their radar images planted the seed of an idea which grew into an urge to see if I could recreate that sort of thing. I attempted.

The result? "TWC" Brought to you in the lowest fidelity possible, I hope you listen to it. 😊

*REMEMBER*: I Did A Thing — and YOU can, too!


#REMEMBER: #IDidAThing — and #YOUcantoo!

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