How I Make Rick Simpson Oil

3 years ago

RIck Simpson Oil is ideally made from heavy indica strains that are known for their pain-reducing, anxiety-reducing, and calming whole-body effects.

This year I chose a strain called “Big Bud”. And was she ever! Coming in at just under 12 feet tall! (365 cm) (look up. Waaay up)

In Canada we can legally cultivate up to 4 cannabis plants per household, which is what I did.

This was my yield. You should make sure it’s as dry as possible. You really can’t over dry it.

The results of 4 plants will easily squish into one bucket. Crunching it into smaller pieces will make the filtering process a lot easier and way more efficient.

If at all possible, work OUTside. Alcohol is highly flammable and you’ll be boiling it!

You’ll need the following materials.

4 plants, dried and crushed
2 large buckets
24 x 500 ml Isopropyl alcohol - as pure as you can get it. 99% (you may not use all 24 bottles, but anything unused will be fine for next year)
1 Stir stick
1 mesh filter (something with larger, more porous holes for the first filtering stage)
2 large coffee filters (for the final, more refined filtering)
A Rice cooker
A cup
syringes. You can use 1, 5, or 10mL sizes. I suggest you make almost all of them the 5mL size, with perhaps a few 1mL size that you can give away to someone who wants to try it.

Ok. Let’s get started. Pour in alcohol until the material is completely covered. I believe I used 13 bottles

Give it a proper stir and let it soak for at least a few minutes. The longer the better to a certain extent. Five minutes should be plenty.


Pour the material through the big filter into the empty bucket.

Personally, I like to do this twice. I add fresh alcohol, stir it again, and then pour it through a second time. I want to be sure I get as much of the oil extracted as possible.

Put the waste material in another container for eventual composting.


We’re going to filter the material much more finely now, using a coffee filter.

I do this stage twice, as well, using a fresh coffee filter each time.

OK. Here is the sum total of all your material, finely filtered and suspended in solvent. Now it’s time to heat it up and boil off the alcohol.

Turn on the rice cooker and fill it up to about 3/4s full.

Put the lid back on. It will come to a boil. And the alcohol will start burning off.

Continually supervise and add more material as the alcohol continues to boil off.

Gently swish the cooker around periodically to release all of the solvent and to protect the oil from too much heat

Near the final stages, I suggest adding 10 drops of water (to further ensure that the oil doesn’t begin to burn)

Once all the alcohol has evaporated, turn off the rice cooker - if it hasn’t done so already, automatically. Now you’re ready to extract the oil into syringes. REMEMBER, the oil will begin to cool very rapidly and as it cools, it becomes less and less fluid and more gooey, so make sure you’re well organized and prepared so you can work fast when you get to this point.

Packaging it in syringes makes for easier oral consumption, topical application, and storage.

And there you have it.

Your own pure batch of finest quality, Rick Simpson Oil.

To your health and happiness.

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