African Countries with the Highest Chinese Population

3 years ago

African Countries with the Highest Chinese Population
The African continent is seeing a very rapidly growing number of Chinese immigrants coming to the continent for economic opportunities. - Economic opportunities in AFRICA? - WOW - OKAY!Many of the first Chinese people on the continent were brought as contract labourers, similarly to the Indian community. Over 1 million Chinese immigrants currently live in Africa.
The largest Chinese diaspora can be found in South Africa, with others in Nigeria, Angola, and Tanzania. The migrants in these countries arrived through various means. Some, such as professionals working on development projects and diplomats, some through government-to-government arrangements. As at 2022, There is a large Asian presence in Africa of at least 3 million people. Most arriving following European settlement in the late 19th and early 20th century but there is continued immigration to the continent to pursue economic opportunities. Economic opportunities in AFRICA? - WOW - OKAY!

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