Sadhguru How to Unlock Your Inner Genius - Sadhguru Speech In English

3 years ago

How to unlock your inner genious? Sadhguru talking and answering about life matters. See some of his words on this video below.
If you want to manifest anything in your life:

Sadhguru: There is something called as a genius in a human being. There is a competence here,
which is capable of what nature did over a million years,
like that over the afternoon. If the necessary striving is there,
you can make it into a conscious process. If you set up the necessary situation,
success is an assured thing for that person.
Sadhguru: Small things or big things, it doesn’t matter. In every single act,
a human being longs to be successful. Life is an infinite number of doorways.
If you are very diligent, you will open a few of them.
If you’re brilliant, you will open many of them.
But if you’re truly vibrant, then they will open for you.
The process of being successful becomes so complex for people, that
why they’re working towards it is generally completely forgotten
and they will start evolving concepts of success – all kinds of concepts
‘What is being successful?’ _____ (Unclear). Can I tell you a joke?
You’re looking so serious (Laughs).
There was a man in India whose name is Shankaran Pillai. Okay? It's… It's like John Smith
(Laughter). His son came to United States. Obviously,
an Indian young man means he is a software engineer (Few Laugh).
He went to Texas, Houston, and started working there.
Then he fell in love with a white American woman.
He struggled because back home this love affair is a crime.
He struggled and struggled, then one day told his mother,
then the mother informed the father and the father exploded.
He went back home to convince him, didn’t work, because in India
if you have to get married, they’re tracing your family tree for five thousand years (Laughter).
They are looking at the genetic purity of the person that you’re marrying.
So, “Somebody from somewhere else, a white woman from America, how can you marry her?
What do we know about her genetics? Where does she come from? What is her lineage?” Dadadada…
So, no way to convince, he came back, and of course, when he came back,
again he fell in love and they went ahead. Then the father disowned
Shankaran Pillai just disowned his son, “I have nothing to do with you.” But,
years went by and they had a boy and the boy’s picture from the day he was born,
it was on the Facebook and the wife sticks it in his face and the little baby
and it is growing up every day and all the things. Slowly, you know,
you have disowned the son, but the grandson is a different matter. Slowly,
within a matter of one, two years he completely fell in
love with this little baby that he has not seen. Things happened and people started
coming from America, those who’re traveling
“Oh, you must see your grandson, you have not seen him, tch?
Oh! You must see him, this is the fruit of your life.”

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