What's On Hunter Biden's Laptop With Jack Maxey & Chase Geiser | OAP #53

3 years ago

Jack Maxey, previous co-host of War Room Pandemic, showed up in a meeting this week to uncover insights regarding the contents of a PC that had a place with Hunter Biden, the child of Joe Biden.

He has been tireless in maintaining the media’s emphasis on the PC of Hunter Biden however much he can. Jack Maxey is missing on Wikipedia. He experienced childhood in Pennsylvania, went to Yale, and served in the Navy.

Maxey is a Navy Veteran and previous co-host of the War Room Podcast. He has been a hero of reality with regards to the group of Democrat Joe Biden for quite a while.

Further, Maxey has been the sole force keeping the contents of the PC in broad daylight. Additionally, he has been requesting straightforwardness via government examinations.

As per DJHJ Media, “Maxy reported on Facebook that he had conveyed a duplicate of the hard drive to that infamous Hunter Biden PC to the Senate Judiciary Committee and beseeched them to explore his discoveries; the Bidens have a long line of harmful conduct against the Republic."

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