Fit and Healthy 36-Year-Old Dan Allen Suffers Heart Attack 3 Weeks After Second Jab

3 years ago

Another previously fit and healthy man has suffered a heart attack just 23 days after his second COVID-19 vaccine. Dan Allen, 36, received the shot on October 13th and then had a heart attack caused by blood clots in his artery in the early morning of November 5th. He went online to share his experience.

“Hey everybody, my name is Dan Allen. I’m from Tauranga making this video to highlight one of the very apparent risks of having the vaccine. My first vaccine was 9th of September and the second 13th of October, and on the early morning of the 5th of November, I had quite a bad heart attack caused by blood clots in three of the arteries in my heart”

The 36 years old father-of-two commented that he’s very lucky to be alive due to his health and active lifestyle:

“The ecology and angiogram showed a very healthy heart and arteries that basically saved my life. I’m very lucky, very lucky.”

Allen is now on a mission to assist others in their recovery who are also injured by the vaccine:

“Having a heart attack that more than likely very few would have survived, I am blessed to be here to tell the story and hopefully save other ‘Kiwis’ along the track and also help communicate with others that have had vaccine injuries. Any way that I can assist in their recovery, even if it’s just a chat, just chatting on how your health is doing because it rattled me.”


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