Jesus Speaks on Crisis in Kasakhstan

3 years ago

Hello brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers family.

My heart has been so grieved this morning in prayer. Two days ago I received an email that one of our translators was in dire straits with sudden rioting and protest in Kazakhstan, where she lives. She was telling us that she has no communication besides an hour of internet and electricity usage. We then had all the intercessors begin to pray for her.

This is the email one of our members sent,

Hey, family! Please pray for the safety of Yaroslava and her family, as well as for the situation in her country Kazakhstan. Two days ago, organized mass protests and riots began there all over the country, the protesters have weapons, they blew up police cars and smashed everything in their path, there are dead victims. It looks like a coup d’état, which was in 2014 in Ukraine. Civilians urgently and with panic have withdrawn cash from ATMs and are buying food in stores. The stores already have empty shelves, everything is sold out. Mobile communications, the internet and social networks were turned off for security purposes. I had no communication with Yaroslava so far, only Skype. A crowd of protesters is looting and moving from the south of Kazakhstan to the north of Kazakhstan, where Yaroslava and her family live. They might have to run. Well-trained and armed militants and thugs appeared in the ranks of peaceful protesters and already killing several policemen and cutting off their heads.

That was the end of the email to us which caused us to pray.

What horror the nation is going through and beyond trying times for Yaroslava. I then pulled the Rhema

Psalm 2
Why do the nations conspire, and the peoples plot in vain?
2 The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying,
3 “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.
5 He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father.
8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.
9 You will break them with a rod of iron; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth.
11 Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry, and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

I spent the night praying the Rosary for her and the nation. When I woke up my heart was so heavy and such a deep grief as images flashed before my eyes of the suffering of those in Kazakhstan. I began to cry interceding asking the Lord to make the nations “Kiss the son”—make the nation of Kazakhstan “Kiss the son”. That prayer alone was flowing from my heart as I was crying and praying. During the Lord’s Supper I felt Jesus begin speaking to me about this.

Jesus began,

“All that you’re suffering is for the many souls that are perishing. It is so many, My beloved little one, so many. The pain in the heart of the Father is beyond imagining. Hence that is why you felt such grief today. There is so much the media is not showing or telling lest they cause a panic and a scare to the masses. Your suffering is receiving the sorrow of many whose loved ones have been killed and murdered—who have no comfort or hope for tomorrow because their loss is so deep. You are aiding many souls in this hour and so are all My brides. Please pray for that nation the situation is very bleak even from my vantage point. Do not concern yourself with worry for your beloved one.”

Here is talking about Yaroslava.

“…and My beloved ones in that nation.”

…and here is talking about believers.

“I have sent legions of angels now to protect and cover them, but this is indeed forecast of what will soon come in your nation.

“This did not happen overnight but it a well thought out execution and plan by those who continue to undermine My sovereignty and want the New World Order in place. This is one of many nations that will have civil war and unrest this year, this is only the beginning. Please pray for the poor and innocent ones. Some of the protesters are going along because they want to see genuine change in their government not realizing there are infiltrators among them to lure them out and kill them. When the electricity goes out, that is when it’s the worse. For in darkness, darkness reigns, heinous acts and murders are done. The best thing is for people to stay in their homes and to pray.

Pray the traitors would be routed out, the militants posing as civilians would be exposed. Pray for the leadership in their government to be sensitive to My leading and all those in the new world agenda would be removed. Pray for the innocent protesters, that many would hear my voice in their conscience and flee when it gets dangerous. Pray for the murders to be convicted, repentant and turned to Me. Pray for those who are not ready and the many that have already met with an unexpected death. Pray for their salvation by crying out for mercy continuously and praying the Mother of Mercy chaplet for all of those in the nation and pray for My beloved ones, believers in that nation, to not fear. Cling to Me that all despair and paralyzing fear would be removed, and they would pray for My Will to be done in this situation and in this nation. For I am in control of all things and will use this for My good.”

That was the end of Jesus’ message.

I then asked one of our Heartdwellers Ghana family members who is in Russia and sent us the email about Yaroslava, to please find out intel of what is going on because she can communicate with her only on Skype for about an hour. This is what she told me;

The President of Kazakhstan has officially asked for help from the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) to restore order in the country. One of the members of the CSTO is Russia and other neighboring countries. The CSTO (Russia and other neighboring countries) have sent peacekeeping troops there to resolve the situation.

This is an update on the situation as of January 6: The Taliban is monitoring the situation in Kazakhstan and encouraging the parties to engage in peaceful dialogue, TASS reports.

“The Taliban for a peaceful solution to the situation in Kazakhstan? This is strange, she says. “Perhaps the trained militants involved in the robbery and assassinations in Kazakhstan are from the Taliban?”

Here Yaroslava writes: “They turn on the Internet for an hour a day, I can't communicate for a long time because I don't know when it will be turned off. We will have problems with the internet until January 19.”

Update as of January 7: Stores and shopping centers continue to be robbed in Kazakhstan. There is a shortage of goods in many stores. People are still unable to contact their relatives since the Internet is not available in the country and cellular communication does not work. Shots, shouts, and explosions of grenades are heard all around. In Kazakhstan, a tense situation remains due to the continuing riots for several days. Earlier, a state of emergency was introduced in the country. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic, 70 round-the-clock checkpoints have been set up on the territory of Kazakhstan. During the mass protests in the Republic, more than 3 thousand people were detained, over 25 armed criminals were eliminated. At the same time, the country's President said that the local authorities were in control of the situation. According to him, Constitutional order has basically been restored in all regions of the country.

That was from a news clip, guys. And you definitely can’t trust the news.

This is more intel that she provides: “The Russian Foreign Ministry believes that the events in Kazakhstan are inspired from the outside.

President of Kazakhstan said that counter-terrorism actions will continue until the complete destruction of militants.”

Wow! So, family please lets pray for this nation, pray for Yaroslava, her family and pray for those who are unprepared for death and pray for mercy, mercy, mercy!

God bless you until the next message.

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