2 years ago

The BIG DEBATE OF VACCINES AND TRUMP endorsing and supporting them is, your thinking it is the one being advertised on Television, correct? WRONG. These vaccines he is referring to are not the same 0nes you think, these vaccines are Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. There is significant evidence from the suppression of information for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Remember the ban of Ivermectin as soon as a HCQ facility was burned coincidentally? Do you remember President Trump stating that he used the vaccine it was great, HCQ pills work very great. Well the stupid fucking Soros funded media was instantly ORDERED to not show that footage and to chop and screw it up to turn it back on him, correct? Which led to everyone questioning his position on vaccines, he stated were the ones, he has also said we did it in warp speed which is now military time, in which he gave and did a transition of peaceful power to the military, there was a soldier stating it on CNN which has become the censorship capital of DC. These covid vaccines have tracking in them and deadly substance LARGELY KILLING AND DAMAGING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ON VACCINE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING SYTEM [VAERS]. In the last 11 months many people have died due to Bill and Fauci pushing the medical injustices and tyrannies to decimate the economy through stocks which American Movie Classics [AMC] is dominating, correct. Which brings you to the fact that divide and conquer is the plan from many countries, slowly but surely these vaccines have saved AMERICA due to the GREAT AWAKENING of the killing they have done to us with trafficking of all sorts to deep state foundation, funding, to put in place some of the most notorious criminals from different countries to brainwash us in our HIGH OFFICES TO TRY and make us think we are bad people so that we work for them and they extinguish the AMERICAN DREAM by draining our economy. The minute you take the covid vaccine you lose ALL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF AMERICA[signed in 2013]. Transhumanism Transexuals, Tranny … put the Y between the T and the R. When you get a vaccine you enhance your chances of death from a 99 percent virus, correct? Trump supports the covid vaccine because it has exposed and thrown a lot of people in prison, ballot harvesting, Election Fraud, full blown Tyrant mask up and SHOW ME ZEE PAPERS is what we battle. Suppression of information and media coverage being horrible. This is why he supports it, he doesn’t mandate it or believe in mandates. The REAL vaccine is Hydroxychloroquine and IVERMECTIN. Wake tf up! -James Kocienski

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