Can Artificial Intelligence be Dangerous? Ten risks associated with AI

3 years ago

Can artificial intelligence be dangerous, and how do we develop ethical, safe and beneficial AI?

Risk Bites dives into AI risk and AI ethics, with ten potential risks of AI we should probably be paying attention to now, if we want to develop the technology safely, ethically, and beneficially, while avoiding the dangers. With author of Films from the Future and ASU professor Andrew Maynard.

Although the video doesn't include the jargon usually associated with AI risk and responsible innovation, the ten risks listed address:

1 Technological dependency
2 Job replacement and redistribution
3 Algorithmic bias
4 Non-transparent decision making
5 Value-misalignment
6 Lethal Autonomous Weapons
7 Re-writable goals
8 Unintended consequences of goals and decisions
9 Existential risk from superintelligence
10 Heuristic manipulation

There are many other potential risks associated with AI, but as always with risk, the more important questions are associated with the nature, context, type of impact, and magnitude of the impact of the risks; together with relevant benefits and tradeoffs.

Yes, We Are Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence. More at:

Artificial intelligence touches nearly every part of your day. While you may initially assume that technology such as smart speakers and digital assistants are the extent of it, AI has in fact rapidly become a general-purpose technology, reverberating across industries including transportation, healthcare, financial services, and many more. In our modern era, an understanding of AI and its possibilities for your organization is essential for growth and success.

Artificial Intelligence Basics has arrived to equip you with a fundamental, timely grasp of AI and its impact. Author Tom Taulli provides an engaging, non-technical introduction to important concepts such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), robotics, and more. In addition to guiding you through real-world case studies and practical implementation steps, Taulli uses his expertise to expand on the bigger questions that surround AI. These include societal trends, ethics, and future impact AI will have on world governments, company structures, and daily life.

Google, Amazon, Facebook, and similar tech giants are far from the only organizations on which artificial intelligence has had―and will continue to have―an incredibly significant result. AI is the present and the future of your business as well as your home life. Strengthening your prowess on the subject will prove invaluable to your preparation for the future of tech, and Artificial Intelligence Basics is the indispensable guide that you’ve been seeking.

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