An Appeal to Heaven - Word & Worship, Jan 9, 2022 at Summit Church

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Join us today as Pastor Wayne and the Summit Worship team lead us in worship and we continue our January Prayer Series. Today we are going to hear a message titled: "An Appeal to Heaven." George Washington and the founders understood the importance of Prayer and Heaven's Authority, you'll catch some of that history today. More importantly we'll study Jesus' teaching from Matthew 6 about the importance of prayer, fasting and His Pattern for prayer, the "Our Father." We will also continue our 29 Days of Prayer agenda by praying for Rulers and Authorities today. Please join us during these crucial days of January as we give the LORD the first part of this year!

Join us for IN-Person Worship, 10:30am Sundays
at 4240 N Perry Park Road, Sedalia, CO 80135
Or across our many Social Media Streams.

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Summit Church
200 S Wilcox St #243
Castle Rock, CO 80104

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