English Christian Song | "God's Work Is Unfathomable"

3 years ago

The Church of Almighty God

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2021 English Christian Song | "God's Work Is Unfathomable"

God is unfathomable,
God is so wise and wonderful;
this is people’s first knowledge of Him
when they experience His work.
They unconsciously revere Him,
feel the mystery of His work.
It’s beyond man’s understanding.
God’s work is unfathomable.

Verse 1
People want to meet God’s requirements,
they want to satisfy His desires,
but they do not wish to exceed Him,
for His work is beyond man’s thinking
and beyond man’s imagination,
and can’t be done by man in His stead.

Pre-chorus 1
Man doesn’t know his own inadequacies,
and yet God has forged him a new path,
bringing him to a new, more beautiful world,
making new progress and a brand-new start.

God is unfathomable,
God is so wise and wonderful;
this is people’s first knowledge of Him
when they experience His work.
They unconsciously revere Him,
feel the mystery of His work.
It’s beyond man’s understanding.
God’s work is unfathomable.

Verse 2
People feel not just admiration,
it’s awe and love for God they feel most deeply.
They feel God is indeed wonderful.
He does and says things man just cannot do.
There’s an indescribable feeling
people have when they experience His work.

Verse 3
People of deep enough experience,
they can understand the love of God;
they can also feel His loveliness,
and that His work is wise and wonderful.
A power that’s truly infinite
is thereby developed among them all.

Pre-chorus 2
That power’s not fear or occasional love and respect,
but a deep sense of God’s mercy and tolerance,
while those who have experienced His judgment
sense God’s majesty and that He won’t abide offense.

Even people who’ve experienced much of His work
are still not able to fathom Him.
All those who truly revere Him,
they know that His work
is not in line with people’s notions.
It always goes against their notions.

God is unfathomable,
God is so wise and wonderful;
this is people’s first knowledge of Him
when they experience His work.
They unconsciously revere Him,
feel the mystery of His work.
It’s beyond man’s understanding.
God’s work is unfathomable.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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