GTA Modder - 1972ChevyImpala - 03/01/22

3 years ago

Player: 1972ChevyImpala
Region: Oceanic
Exploits: Super Jump, God Mode, IP Dox, DDoS Attack, Auto Slap

Her we go again while out hunting bounties this guy decided that i shouldn't hunt bounties. Modder of course but this guy went to far, the DDoS attack is a coward tool and he has been hitting me with it for the better part of 30 minutes now. Silly me I wasn't running a VPN at the time. I have gone ahead and started it up again.

This is a classic example get caught and take the nuclear option. You can see in the video this modder is using a similar tool kit that we saw from 24Braden24 yesterday. Is it the same person running a spoofed name ?

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