Doctors Warn FAA by Letter Describing Vaccine Hazard Health FAA Violations

2 years ago

Doctors Warn FAA about Vaccine Hazards Health problems and FAA Violations. A group of doctors has addressed the Federal Aviation Administration with a letter. It explains the problem that the Covid-19 vaccine created. Pilots cannot fly with unapproved medications in their body, violating FAA rules. According to attorneys and medical professionals, the airline industry is breaking Title 14 Federal Aviation Regulations. Federal rules prohibit pilots operating with non-FDA approved substances in their bodies. The FDA-approved vaccines are distinguished from those that actually reduce the danger of Covid-19. The letter is requesting that the FAA medically flag every vaccinated pilot within four weeks from the Dec. 15th letter. Until then, the pilots will undergo medical re-examinations which include D-Dimer testing to check for blood clotting; Troponin test to reveal damage to the heart; and EKG or MRI tests to assess cardiac health. The letter’s authors recommend that any pilot who fails the tests be grounded immediately in order to receive a clean bill. “From now on, only commercial aircraft pilots can fly commercial planes that can show D–Dimer and Troponin levels – as well as cardiac MRIs and ECGs – at aeromedically appropriate levels. In addition, a review and analysis of reporting systems such Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(‘VAERS’), shows that the FAA wait of two (2) days is inadequate to detect significant blood clotting or myocarditis cases (which manifest more than 48 hours after vaccination). “…The FDA has not yet approved any COVID-19 shot currently available in America. BioNTech Manufacturer GmbH’s Biologics Authorization Application was approved by the FDA on August 23. The FDA will distribute the Comirnaty Vaccine in the United States only if certain conditions are met. See Pfizer BioNTech currently has an EUA that the FDA extended August 23, 2021. See It is also important that you note that Comirnaty, the FDA approved vaccine, cannot easily be interchangeable to unapproved inoculations,” the letter stated. It is currently not available for the Pfizer Vaccine. The group confirmed that it knew of pilots who had died following the Covid shot, and of others who still suffer side effects from the vaccine but are scared to report them because they fear being grounded. Some pilots were forced by medical reasons to seek treatment. Cody Flint’s story is included within the letter. “I am a 33 year-old father and husband to my two young sons. I am an agriculturist by profession. I have more than 10,000 flight hours. I have been completely healthy all my adult life. There are no underlying conditions. I was first given the Pfizer Covid Vaccine in February. Within thirty minutes, I was suffering from a severe stabbing headache. Later, it became a burning sensation in the backside of my neck. Two days after I had been vaccinated, I was ready to fly in an airplane for a job that would only require a few hour. “I knew something was wrong as soon as I took off. My headache was getting worse and my tunnel vision was becoming more severe. After flying for two hours, I felt a sudden burst in my ears as I pulled my airplane up to return to land. “I felt almost blacked and dizzy. I was able to manage landing my plane without incident through the grace of God. I don’t even remember how. “My initial diagnosis for vertigo & severe panic attacks was based on my history. It was later changed to left and right perilymphatic fistulas, Eustachian tubes dysfunction, and increased intra-cranial pressure because of brain swelling. My condition continued declining and doctors advised me that there was no way to cause this much damage by a vaccine adverse reaction or a head trauma. “I have had six intra-cranial pressure checks over eight months. Two surgeries were performed eight weeks apart to correct fistulas. I have missed nearly an entire calendar year of my own life and that of my children. There are no more days spent playing in the garden, or picking up my children to hug them. I now live in a sick house, have had many doctor’s visits, and have many more questions than answers. I don’t know how I’ll ever fly again. “This vaccine destroyed my career, and destroyed the future that I have worked so hard for. My savings have been used to pay my medical bills. My entire family is in danger. I was, and still am, pro-science. The main issue is the refusal by the FDA, CDC, NIH and NIH acknowledge that this vaccine is causing actual deaths. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense, as well as Dr. Ryan Cole, were the signatories. Note to readers: please click the share buttons below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.

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