Congress Admits It Is Legal to Create Human Animal Chimeras

3 years ago

Congress Admits It Is Legal to Create Human Animal Chimeras

H.R. 6131 — A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit human-animal chimeras; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit human animal chimeras

H.R.6131 - Human-Animal Chimera Prohibition Act of 2016

Sep 22, 2016
114th Congress (2015–2017)
Died in a previous Congress
This bill was introduced on September 22, 2016, in a previous session of Congress, but it did not receive a vote.

Although this bill was not enacted, its provisions could have become law by being included in another bill.
It is common for legislative text to be introduced concurrently in multiple bills (called companion bills),
re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Congress in new bills, or added to larger bills (sometimes called omnibus bills).

H.R. 6131 (IH) - Human-Animal Chimera Prohibition Act of 2016

First Human-Monkey Chimeras Created by Scientists in China

Part-human embryos are a chilling step closer as watchdog gives go-ahead for hybrid 'chimeras'

original link by BANNED.VIDEO

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