Endangered sea turtles

3 years ago

The hawksbill sea turtle is a rare and special sight for underwater adventurers. Once hunted for their decorative shells, as well as for food, their numbers declined dramatically in the last century. They were captured for ornamental jewellery, hair clips, and ornate chests. The ban on hunting and exporting animals, especially hawksbill, has allowed turtles to slowly increase their numbers in recent years.

This hawksbill is very comfortable with Cameron's closeness. He knows that slow approaches and non-threatening movements can create a sense of confidence, or at least acceptance. Approach cautiously from the side and close the distance over time to take a closer look at this beauty. Over time, the tortoise got close to him as well, clearly realizing that Cameron meant no harm. Cameron was elated by this encounter and imitated the tortoise's movements in an effort to be "one" and to make it easier as well. The result was a long swim with this endangered tortoise and a memory he will never forget.

These turtles are beautiful as well as being beneficial to coral reefs. Losing them forever would be tragic.

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