Prep Talk! Alternative Communications: CB (UHF) Radio | Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters

3 years ago

Prep Talk time! Mitch from Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters (Cessnock satellite group) discusses alternative communications for the 'just in case' scenario. We learn a little more about Australian-spec CB radio on the 80-channel UHF bandwidth.

The HVFF community are a patriotic non-discriminatory, non-violent freedom movement, and we welcome those who want to be with like-minded folk. We are made up of a growing number of people and families of all ages and walks of life! We are a satellite group for both The Australia Project (T.A.P) and Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA); and avid supporters of many more grassroots and national movements!

For those in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens, Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Scone and everywhere else in between, we welcome you to our community.

As well as township-based groups as noted above, we also have supplementary channels that discuss all popular subjects (for right and wrong reasons) including homeschooling, prepping, small business support, money/Bitcoin/metals and many others.

Our primary platform is TELEGRAM! We welcome those within the Hunter Valley to join our family. Search for "HVFF" and join your local township group today!

For those outside of the Hunter Valley, join your local-most group and help your grassroots movement!

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