#50 Josh Denny- Food and Freedom

3 years ago

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Josh Denny is a comedian and former host of “Ginormous Food”. In this episode, we chat about what got him cancelled (again), being pro-choice or pro-life, the vaccine mandate, and the story behind his debacle with The Food Network.

00:00:00 00:01:17 Josh Denny Being Controversial
00:14:49 Josh and Candice on Being Pro-Life
00:20:11 Abortion, Liberation, Pro-Legalization of Drugs
00:26:36 Devil’s Advocate, Mandates, and Laws on Abortion
00:33:10 Passing Legislations Like a Red or Blue State
00:37:19 Beating Racism from Both Sides
00:41:41 Josh’s Libertarian Views on Vaccines, Abortion and Getting COVID 3 Times
00:52:46 Joe Biden’s Vaccine Mandate
00:56:34 The Hill to Die On and Americans’ Appreciation for Freedom00:59:44 The Topic of Freedom and the Freedom Josh Has Over His Comedy
01:05:07 Josh’s Battle with The Food Network and the Polarizing Effect01:14:12 Seeing the Shift in the Adult Industry Beyond Objectification01:21:35 Josh’s Experience on The Food Network
01:29:53 Josh’s Future and Potential Show Ideas
01:35:49 Josh on Ginormous Food and Saying Whatever He Wants01:37:47 Going Solo or Getting Booked on Comedy Clubs
01:46:22 “Roadrunner”, “My Name is Val”, and Hearing Other People’s Stories
01:55:23 “Don’t Yuck Someone’s Yum”

What Got Josh Cancelled Again and the Topic of Abortion
In the advent of social media and cancel culture, Josh is no stranger to this phenomenon and recently went under fire for a tweet on the Texas Heartbeat Bill which allows any person to sue someone who performs or induces an abortion. This led to a rift with his contract with The Food Network and backlash on the show as well. Josh believes that changing the law to be more restrictive can be the first step to creating a world where women are more thoughtful about bringing a child into the world or not but is all for providing women more access to birth control and practicing safe sex.
A Divide in the US and Beating Racism from Both Sides
There is an ongoing rift between opposing sides in the US and Josh and Candice see that there is a need for a “conscious uncoupling” of polarizing perspectives both at the dinner table and in legislation that people never knew how to deal with in person without taking it personally.
The first time Josh was “cancelled” was in 2018 over a race-related tweet. He believes that the main point was that there is a need to fight racism in all its iterations and not have a back-and-forth tactic on oppressor VS the oppressed and Josh isn’t afraid to go for the offense with his comedic material.
The Vaccine Mandate and Getting COVID 3 Times
US President Joe Biden has recently implemented a vaccine mandate requiring Americans to get vaccinated to take part in pre-pandemic activities such as dining out. He sees that the virus mostly harms those with prior illnesses and even as someone who has had COVID three times in the past year, Josh has a Libertarian view on vaccine mandates and is against this because of the lack of guarantee that you can’t infect someone else with the virus.
On What Hill are We Willing to Die On?
For Josh who is a comedian and Candice who is a pornstar, both are similar in the sense that both are willing to sacrifice public acceptance for radical individualism in their lives. It’s easy for Josh to get past the hate and backlash he receives because he sees that at the root of it all is people’s hatred over his freedom to express himself. He would rather “starve running free than live a life of luxury and bondage”.

Links and Resources:
Josh Denny's Official Website www.joshdennycomedy.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JoshDennyOfficial
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/joshdenny/
Twitter https://twitter.com/joshdenny

Meta Description:
Josh recounts his experience on getting COVID three times, getting cancelled four times, his sudden battle with The Food Network, and what it takes to become next Anthony Bourdain.

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