#51 @Jim Kwik - Limitless, Mastering your Mind, Hustle Culture

3 years ago

Jim Kwik (@Jim Kwik ) is a YouTuber, life coach, and Founder & CEO of Kwik Learning. He is also the New York Times’ Best-selling Author of “Limitless”, a self-help and manual on mental expansion and brain fitness. After sliding into his DMs in the hopes of getting him for our show, he finally comes in to talk about the pros and challenges of social media and how it affects our mental health and mind’s algorithm, what he really thinks about Neuralink, and going against hustle culture.

00:00:00 - 00:02:55 Shyness Among Public Figures
00:07:04 Introverts and Extroverts00:08:17 Jim’s Telling People to WATCH00:13:24 More is Caught than Taught in Kids and the Purpose
00:15:33 The Purpose Crisis
00:21:34 How to Take Feedback Without Sacrificing Authenticity
00:26:10 Reasons Produce Results
00:29:04 The Truck that Gets Stuck and Your Mind’s Algorithm
00:35:00 Jim’s Hack to Pull Yourself Out of Feeling Stuck
00:41:25 Owning Our Habits and Technology
00:50:10 “Onward” and Digital Deduction
00:54:08 Going Back to the Original Thinkers
00:58:03 The Sleep Chapter
01:07:16 Where to Find Jim
01:08:33 Jim’s Social Media Challenge
01:10:11 Growing Out of the Comfort Zone

W-A-T-C-H and the Purpose Crisis of Millennials and Gen Z
Jim and Candice bond over their similar experience in school where they would always visit the nurse’s office over bullying, teasing and anxiety problems. Candice asks for advice on how to raise her young kid and to apply her learnings to him, hence “conscious parenting”. Jim teaches a strategy that can be applied to kids as well called WATCH: Words, Actions, Thoughts, Character, and Habits. To anyone working with children, Jim believes that it’s better well done than well said—showing, not saying. The life we live are lessons we teach others and kids are more likely to mimic than be told what to do.

There is a crisis among Millennials and Gen Z kids where they’re not sure what to, what to be passionate about, and where to devote their time away from their loved ones. Instead of asking how smart a kid is, he prefers asking how they are smart whether through visual and spatial abilities like artists or architects or kinesthetics like dancers and athletes. In the area of passion and purpose, passion is what lights you up versus purpose is how you take that passion to light people up.

Fighting the Fear and Digital Depression
Everyone has a to-do list, but Jim recommends making a not-to-do list: certain things that you don’t want to put your energy towards. Though it’s easy to say to not compare ourselves to others but part of how we identify ourselves is through how we stand out or fit in. When it comes to caring what other people think, nobody has the right to define ourselves and the only opinion and expectations that counts is ourselves and we are 100% responsible for how we take care of ourselves. It’s not about perfection, but all about progress.

Social media triggers us to keep comparing ourselves to other people. Jim finds this exhausting and sees a digital depression going on. There’s an algorithm to Instagram, but so does the mind. Humans are not logically, but biological. Getting stressed out disables us to access our executive functioning and Jim’s hack is to build emotions, move our bodies to have more autonomy on how we feel and realize that we are always not our thoughts.
Going Against Hustle Culture and the Importance of Sleep
Jim was praised for not having the traditional hustle culture mentality and valuing rest and recharging. The magic piece in Jim’s book was how all brilliant people got their ideas in their dreams. Humans can’t keep reaching all the time. Health is wealth and sleep is powerful in thinking and decision-making and a lot of our creativity comes from the theta and delta states.
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