Click PLC Repeat Timer Flasher

3 years ago

The Click PLC has built-in system bit flashers. These bits will turn on and off at a fixed time cycle. 10, 100, and 500 milliseconds are available. There is also a 1 second, 1 minute, and one-hour system bit timer flashers.
If you want different on and off times we can make this with two on-delay timers. In our example, we have bit C2 as the enable. This will be in series with the normally closed timer 2 to timer 1. This will be our on time for the repeat cycle time. The next rung will use the normally open timer 1 to activate timer 2. You will see that the timers will self reset each other. The output Y2 will be driven by the enable bit C2 and not timer 1 and not timer 2.

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

There are several reasons why we are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs. Here are just a few.
- Investment is low for the hardware and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to expand the system with a variety of modules including RTD and Thermocouple inputs directly.

ACC Automation

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