Click PLC Off Delay Timer

3 years ago

Timers in the Click PLC have their own assigned memory location. You can have 500 timers in the Click PLC (T1 to T500). The current value of the timer can be found in addresses TD1 to TD500.
A setpoint for the timer can be set directly or a memory area can contain the value. The setpoint can have the unit of measure of milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
An OFF DelayTimer measures the time duration that begins with a transition of the enable rung from ON to OFF. At this transition point, the Timer increases the Current Value, when it reaches the Set Point, the Timer Bit is turned OFF.
The current value of the timer can be set to be memory retentive. It will remember the current value of the timer by using a separate reset for the Timer instruction.

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

There are several reasons why we are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs. Here are just a few.
- Investment is low for the hardware and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to expand the system with a variety of modules including RTD and Thermocouple inputs directly.

ACC Automation

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