Click PLC Programming Battery Replacement Date

3 years ago

The CLICK PLC has a feature that indicates the pre-scheduled battery replacement date has passed. This will activate an error light on the CPU.
In the CLICK programming software, go to the pull-down menu: Setup | Battery backup Setup
Select the Battery Installed option. This will enable the low battery detection feature of the CPU.
Select the Battery Replacement Notification. Enter the dates depending on what battery you are enstalling. The Click PLUS CR2032 battery is good for three years.
Select OK and download the project file to the PLC. The ERR light on the CPU module will start flickering when the Anticipated Date has passed.

Programming and examples of the Click and Click PLUS PLC series can be found at this URL:

There are several reasons why we are using the Click and Click PLUS PLCs. Here are just a few.
- Investment is low for the hardware and the software is free
- Standalone PLC with built-in I/O
- Communication ability - Ethernet Port, RS232, RS485 - support for protocols such as Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, etc.
- Ability to expand the system with a variety of modules including RTD and Thermocouple inputs directly.

ACC Automation

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