Our All-Powerful God Conquering with the Sword from His Mouth!

3 years ago

Welcome to Episode #60 of -- The A, B, C’s from God – The Truth About Being Christian.
Today’s show is entitled – “Our All-Powerful God Conquering with the Sword from His Mouth!"
I’m sharing this video with you because it shows what God has planned for our future!

In last week’s show we showed how to win fights through non-violent means: with Agape Love!

Please join with me for next week’s show entitled:
“The Future ‘End Game’ of all Disease!”

If you have just come to Jesus Christ, or have been following Him for awhile, begin, or keep up, your DAILY habit of reading the Holy Bible, be part of a Bible based Church, and join with my friends & I in sharing God’s Truths, His A, B, C’s, About Being Christian.
Merry Christmas!

“Oh Come All You Faithful” https://rumble.com/vrqmp4-oh-come-all-you-faithful.html
Revelations 19 :15, 19-21 https://www.blueletterbible.org/esv/rev/19/15/s_1186015
A.W. Pink https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/second-coming-of-christ
C.S. Lewis “The Last Battle” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Battle
Richmond Alliance Church: https://www.richmondalliancechurch.com/podcasts/media
Alastair Begg, “Truth for Life”: https://www.truthforlife.org/resources/sermon/
John MacArthur sermons , Grace to You: https://www.gty.org/library/resources/sermons-library/scripture/1?book=1&chapter=0
Thumbnail https://revelationscriptures.com/

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