Tucker Carlson Tonight 7 Jan 2022

3 years ago

As a "poster child" of the Marxists Left and their world view, Tucker's open talks about the decline and fall of NPR. I used to listen to NPR. Yes, it had a left tilt, but many of the shows were entertaining and funny. Car Talk, Stained Glass Bluegrass, Garrison Kieler, This American Life for example were all entertaining reasons to deal with the leftism on their political stories. No longer. I dare say there is NOTHING on NPR worth listening to and in a just world their funding will be zero'd immediately. Let Mark Zuckerberg fund it. Matt Walsh joins Tucker to discuss.
The vice IIC just hired a documented Biden-hater. Kevin Cork joins Tucker to discuss Jamal Simmons (new comm director (that's communication, not communism)) "troubled past". This should get interesting.
The Marxist Left Day of Hysteria and Theatrics, aka 6 January gets exposed and discussed. Ned Ryun of American Majority joins Tucker to break it down.
The unconstitutional IIC vax mandate is on the docket of the Supreme Court. That this takes more than 2 minutes to squash is disturbing. Eric Schmitt, the Missouri AG joins Tucker to discuss this very important issue.
Short clip from TC Today with the creator of "Tatyana McGrath", a satirical Twitter character that is indistinguishable from real life. Looking forward to watching this one.
Dr. Marc Siegel joins Tucker to discuss the benefits of VIAGRA on Covid, long duration coma and possibly other medical conditions.
China is buying up lots and lots of American farmland. This is concerning, Martha Fain, just a regular old farmer from Virginia joins Tucker and they fret about it, but I am more sanguine about this. They can't dig it up and take it with them (although they could poison it and make it useless). We've experienced something similar 30-40 years ago when the Japanese were buying American premier real estate at a rapid clip. It led to nothing. It would seem to me, that in the event of a war, economic or kinetic, we just take it back; what are they going to do about it? Easy breezy.

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