Why You Should NOT Take The "Vaccine" - By Pastor Charles Lawson

2 years ago

A great message from Pastor Charles Lawson, and others, on why taking the vaccine is a very bad idea.

This is a world wide agenda to usher in the beast system of Revelation. The "vaccine" jab IS the mark of the beast. You will not be able to buy or sell within the best system without the mark, which if you take, I believe can damn your eternal soul. DO NOT TAKE THE MARK '' SHOT''! And DO NOT SUBMIT TO THIS EVIL IN ANY WAY, and put ALL your trust in Jesus Christ, and His Finished work on the cross..

If you have not given your life, heart, mind, everything to Jesus Christ for Eternal Salvation, do so immediately. If you truly believe that He is The Son of God, died for Your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead, defeating death, the devil, sin, and hell, YOU WILL BE SAVED!

I testify that this is 100% TRUE. Jesus Christ is real and very much alive! He has saved my soul, delivered me from the hand of the devil, and wants very much to do the same for YOU! Seek Him NOW while He may be found! Your eternal soul depends on it! You do not want to burn for ever, and ever!

DO YOU WANT TO GET SAVED? Here is a link to a prayer and intro from a sister in Christ's website if you need help:

Trust in Jesus ❤️

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