2 years ago

ADAM is a chemical substance that can rewrite genetic material, allowing the user to alter their bodies, their genetic makeup and their natural abilities without any direct limits whatsoever aside from their imagination. ADAM does this by supporting the formation of potent stem cells that can differentiate into any cell type, including a variety of unnatural ones. This type of cell formation, however, is also often compared to a benign form of cancer, as the chemical slowly destroys native tissue cells and replaces them with unstable stem versions. A gamer….

A plasmid is the circular double-stranded DNA that replicates within a cell independent of chromosomal DNA.  Plasmids are found in bacteria or protozoa that are used for genetic modification using recombinant DNA to transfer genes between cells and species.

Beyond coincidence, the operation to make ADAM 3.0, a transhumanoid, is underway to phase out God’s human population via depopulation.

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