Astrox Imperium DEVLOG 97 (1/7/22) #Spacegame #SpaceSim #Openworld

3 years ago

Build 0.0127
- Fixed LS calculation for buffs on individual ls skills.
- Fixed skill point rewards for structure npc based missions.
- Fixed raider loot drop bug preventing special items from raider loot drops.
- Fixed salvage harvest id items for levels 5-10 salvage resources.
- Fixed bug causing active scanner error when scanning resources and stations.
- Fixed bug in shipyard not showing correct sell pricing on both ship button and mouse over.
- Fixed shipyard sell ship bug not refreshing highlight bar position onto ship dock button.
- Fixed shipyard buy ship bug not refreshing highlight bar position onto ship dock button.
- Fixed bug showing pilot widescreen bars when in galaxy map.
- Fixed bug allowing for y axis camera control by triggering keyboard steering and left click hold.
- Fixed bug with module swapping causing 2 sound fx to play at once.
- Fixed bug preventing you from module swapping if you didnt have space available in cargo.
- Fixed bug preventing non item related missions from displaying in station missions panel.
- Fixed bug preventing bad station data from loading improperly causing index error.
- Fixed and reworked the way that recover mission crates are generated.
- Fixed and reworked the way that kill recover mission crates are generated.
- Fixed bug causing damage effect particle system to remain attached to the ship after expiration.
- Fixed bad scripting link in hideout structure.
- Fixed bug with auto transport mercs getting confused with autotask transports when silo is super close to station.
- Fixed mission complete status for recovery crate missions, crate will repawn only remaining mission contents.
The objective is completed when last required item is removed from crate.
Mission is complete when all items are gather and returned to mission destination.
- Fixed kill recovery missions. Once pilot is killed, crate will respawn until remaining mission contents cleared.
The objective is complete once the last required item is taken from crate.
Mission is complete when all items are gather and returned to mission destination.
- Removed END key binding for debug panel. (Number lock minus will open debug).
- Fixed bookmark keylock bug, locking ship steering if opening bookmark while steering manually.
- Adjusted market sell base rate margin for better chance of profit selling.
- Adjusted shipyard base sell rate for used ships.
- Adjusted station service robot AI for ship repairs animation.
- Adjusted raider loot table for better drop chances.
- Adjusted npc ship modules to remove and replace bad ids left from new database build in 126.
- Adjusted npc ship cargo to remove and replace bad ids left from new database build in 126.
- Adjusted ship damage fx worldspace and duration time for particle system fx.
- Adjusted all merc modules and cargo.
- Adjusted merc levels, payroll costs, and faction requirements.
- Adjusted basic intro tutorial text.
- Adjusted basic combat tutorial text.
- Added new procedural planetoid objects that are generated and loaded for data seed.
A few test planets have been placed on a number of campaign sectors. These are just props atm, and have no functionality, yet.
- Added a number of test planets to central sectors around the campaign map for testing.
- Added new planet shader to allow animated textures for planetoid surface and atmosphere. (what is being tested)
- Added new animated rings option to planetoid object.
- Added terrain base textures, masks, secondary terrain textures and normal maps.
- Added cloud textures and normal maps for planetoid atmosphere.
- Added ring textures and normal maps.
- Added cluster sphere object to parent all cluster resources for map editing.
- Added 3d widget tool for map editing object movement and placement using drag and drop.
- Added life support recharge script to medical facility structure script.

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