Hydroxychloriquine -Hidden TGA approved Clinical Trial, Peer Reviewed and Published

2 years ago

The use of early treatments namely Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have been criminalised in Australia by the TGA, State Health Regulators and AHPRA on the grounds that no clinical trials have shown any benefit in treating COVID. However MP Craig Kelly reveals that this is not the case. A clinical trial, registered with the TGA was conducted, completed, submitted, peer reviewed and subsequently published clearly demonstrating significant benefit of the use of cheap, off label drugs to provide early treatment of COVID. The drugs in this clinical trial include hydroxychlouroquine, a drug that has been demonised by the pro-vaccine fraternity as ineffective and harmful to humans. Well this narrative is comprehensively debunked by MP Craig Kelly who methodically dismantles the current narrative on the use of this drug. The genie is now out of the bottle and the emperor has no clothes. The regulator, the TGA has now been exposed as a branch of the pharmaceutical industry and John Skerritt must now resign for refusing to acknowledge this clinical trial and its results.

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