LIberty of Nations 3

3 years ago

I wear a black hat in mourning over the USA as we fall, if we do not unite in repentance before GOD our Maker. “The Birth of Two Nations” read from again. George Washington supports the Jews, and John Quincy Adams, advocated for the Jews to return to Israel. Lincoln also was supportive of Israel. In 1891 a petition was signed and sent to President Harrison. Though I am a supporter of the move of Jews to return to Israel, I am not a supporter of Jewish tyrants but see them as not Jewish, even if they say they are. There are those who are rich tyrants who will kill who do not obey and follow them. I speak about who becomes the Montana Freeman, as I met them before they were called that. What happened to the Jews is an example to us who believe in GOD. I tell about my experiences in trying to have discussion with religious leaders and why we need to unite under GOD. (14.5 minutes)

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