Prof. Mattias Desmet's four-part recipe for breaking people out of mass formation

3 years ago

The theory of mass formation, coined by prof. Mattias Desmet, has received a lot of attention lately. It was mentioned for instance by dr. Robert Malone and dr. Peter McCullough on The Joe Rogan Podcast.

Mass formation is comparable to mass hypnosis. The difference between conventional hypnosis and mass formation, is that the hypnotist is awake in conventional hypnosis. In mass formation, the hypnotist may also be hypnotized.

NB: It could also be that the hypnotists in the current mass formation are partly, mostly or fully awake and have a nefarious agenda and/or conflicting interests at the very minimum. This is likely, since the people who are so adamant about face masks for instance, don't tend to wear them themselves, unless they know there are camera's (likely) pointed on them.

We are currently in a mass formation in which a large part of the population seems to believe that for instance...
* there is a deadly virus comparable to ebola where our immune system has no chance to defeat it, even after it has already recovered from the disease,
* the virus is mainly/only spread by large droplets,
* the vaccines are both safe and effective and the only remedy,
* face masks are effective and necessary,
* the unvaxxed are the cause of most problems and should be put under maximum pressure to 'do what's right',
* those who have differing points of view or even dare to ask questions are crazy and should be ignored and even suppressed/censored/fired/mocked/viciously attacked,

NB: It is unclear which part of the population is truly hypnotized. Many people have serious doubts about this whole thing, but keep quiet due to fear of retribution and because they don't want to rock the boat. Although they are correct about the significant risks of speaking out and resisting in this woke cancel culture, they seem to not realize that the dangers of NOT speaking out and resisting are significantly larger in the medium to long term.

In the current mass formation, the hypnotists are the leaders, experts and media. The main stream 'experts' (who in almost all cases have serious conflicts of interest and also are vastly outclassed by dissenting experts) may be the main problem, because leaders and main stream media profess to believe in the experts.

NB: The leaders may also follow the 'experts' to deflect blame (and make their own job easier). If their policy turns out to be extremely stupid and harmful, they can always say that they followed the experts and the science, and therefore cannot be held accountable. The experts will hide behind the excuse that their job is just to advise and it's the job of politicians to make policy. This is a perfect example of the saying that shared responsibility is no responsibility.

The experts may not believe every word they say, but they are so convinced in their ideology, that they may feel it's justified to lie (a little or a lot) to achieve their goal. They believe not only in an ideology such as mass vaccination, but also in authorities such as CDC, NIH, FDA, et cetera. Their faith is almost perfect, which makes them so-called True Believers, a term which was coined by Eric Hoffer.

The idea that it is okay to spread lies as long as it's for a greater purpose ― for instance, "If you eat your spinach, you'll become like Popeye" ― is also called the Noble lie, a term that was coined by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato.

It is extremely difficult to break people out of a mass hypnosis, because they are mostly immune to facts and reasoning. What makes it even more difficult in this case is enormous scale and coordination of the propaganda campaign.

Here is prof. Desmet's recipe to break people out of the mass formation:

1. Continue to speak out. Speaking out and continuing to do so on as large a scale as possible, leads to the trance becoming less deep.

2. Try to connect in the real world, not just through the internet. Try to connect with people from every group.

3. Don't try to convince the masses to go back to the OLD normal, because their intense dislike of the old normal (e.g. bullshit jobs, enormous amounts of antidepressants used, free-floating anxiety, disconnection, etc.) made them vulnerable to fall into the mass formation in the first place. Instead, invite people to create a NEW normal along the lines of their desires.

This new normal should NOT be a technocratic or transhumanist new normal, such as what Klaus Schwab and others want with The Great Reset and Build Back Better. We must show others that there are more options than just the old normal and The Great Reset.

4. Resist, but always stick to the principles of non-violent resistance, because that is by far the most efficient strategy. In mass formation, those who believe the narrative tend to be radically intolerant of dissonant voices. If dissonant voices become aggressive, even if it's just with the tone of their voice, the masses may feel justified in committing atrocities against the dissonant voices. In mass formation, the masses are more inclined to commit violence than usual, but the lack of justification may hold them back.

NB: Non-violent resistance does NOT mean being weak, insecure, wavering, compromising, et cetera.

Violent acts, regardless if they are justified or real, give the masses the excuse to start a war and grab more power. An example is the large fire in the Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany in 1933. This led to the nazi power grab and basically started the second world war.

NB: The building was probably secretly set on fire by the nazi's for exactly this purpose. Never waste a good crisis. If you don't have a crisis, create one.

It also happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in which a vessel of the U.S. navy was allegedly fired upon by the Vietnamese navy. This started the Vietnam war.

View the whole interview here (segment starts at 50m16s):

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