Ramthun Report Episode 40: Let there be Light Week 1!

3 years ago

Please see Representative Ramthun’s attached press release “Let there be light #1”


This is the beginning of a themed set of press releases and video reports where we hope to shed light on some of the darkness here in Wisconsin, by also providing evidence for everyone to review themselves.

This press release calls for a summary to back up the statement that we have been focused on process surrounding elections in Wisconsin. We encourage those new to this effort to review last year’s efforts as we push for truth in 2022.

This is the link to the Wheeler Report which lists a “novel” of press releases our office has sent out, namely since July 2021 when we called for a forensic audit in Wisconsin.


This is the link to our Rumble page which shows every Ramthun report we’ve released as well. We recommend following this page as we have had 3 episodes censored on You Tube, one about vaccinations, and 2 that revealed evidence of fraud in Wisconsin Elections.


We highly encourage sharing this content with as many as possible, so we can increase awareness of where we are, and what’s to come. For those looking to help us in this effort, please use the press releases, videos, and attached evidence to help us gain support from your Representatives and Senators. Together we can shed some light into the dark corners.

Let there be light!

Please see Representative Ramthun’s attached press release “Let there be light #2”.


The following data is provided to reflect that all the issues listed below have worsened after the 2020 election, and strengthens that these issues are directly correlated to elections. Therefore, election integrity is rightly justified as the number one issue.

Unemployment was the lowest it’s ever been prior to 2020.


Consumer price Index and Producer Price Index has skyrocketed since 2020.



This is a link to FBI crime reports showing crime was going down prior to 2020.


As of 1/6/21, our office is currently looking for a Senator to cosponsor LRB 5635/1, which is a joint resolution protecting the constitutional rights of citizens from forced medical procedures.

We highly encourage sharing this content with as many as possible, so we can increase awareness of where we are, and what’s to come. For those looking to help us in this effort, please use the press releases, videos, and attached evidence to help us gain support from your Representatives and Senators. Together we can shed some light into the dark corners.

Let there be light.

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