The Time is Now - Documentary (2021)

2 years ago

Synopsis: Ben Tapper, a small town chiropractor who is black labeled as a member of the "Disinformation Dozen" during the COVID-19 Fraudemic, rallies together healthcare professionals across America to share an alternate view point of the global narrative.

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These are the latest updates on deaths and injuries caused by the “vaccine” reported on VAERS (it is estimated that only 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported)
The European Union's database of suspected drug reaction reports is called EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 34,337 deaths and 3,120,439 injuries after injections of COVID-19.
In Brazil, the system is called VigiMed, which is reporting 11,284 adverse injuries only from the astrazeneca injection.

_______________________ JUST A FEW CASES _______________________

• Young hearts part 9 - pro-athletes hearts failing every day now - too many to hide ( )

• California nurses blow whistle on "overwhelming" numbers of heart attacks, clotting, strokes as doctors refuse to blame vaccines for fear of losing their medical license ( )

• CDC not investigating myocarditis death of 13-year-old days after Pfizer shot, emails reveal ( )

• 7-year-old dies 11 days after Pfizer shot, VAERS report shows ( )

• Children at risk for lifelong health problems from covid vaccine ( )

• US pilot says his colleagues are "dropping like flies with crushing chest pain" post covid-19 vaccination ( )

• 34,337 deaths 3,120,439 injuries following covid shots in European database as UK public data show 35 deaths 213 hospitalizations among booster triple vaccinated. ( )

• School district tells parents staff is training for "sudden cardiac arrest" ( )

• 20,000+ deaths reported to VAERS following covid vaccines ( )

• Australian whistleblower says young fully vaccinated citizens are dying due to covid-19 vaccine complications ( )

• Doctor - "The vaccinated are dying" - whistleblower ( )

• Young hearts part 8 - how much longer can the media hide this ( )

• Dr Robert Mallone - inventor of mRNA technology gives dire warning to parents ( )

• Why are so many people going blind after getting the covid-19 vaccine? ( )

• Vaccine injured women speak out ( )

• 310 athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 177 dead, after covid shot ( )

• 5-year-old died 4 days after Pfizer shot, CDC VEARS data show ( )

• 8-year-old girl has stroke and brain hemorrhage 7 days after Pfizer covid-19 shot ( )

• 120 teens hospitalized, 3 dead following Pfizer vaccine rollout for 15 to 17-year-olds in Vietnam ( )

• Covid vaccine injuries ( )

• 31,014 deaths 2,890,600 injuries following covid shots in European Database of adverse reactions as young, previously healthy people continue to die ( )

• Registered nurse suffers pericarditis from Pfizer shot - put in hospital section for vaccine injured as she was 7th patient admitted that day for heart issues following covid shots ( )

• Explosive rise in Ontario stillbirths triggers parliamentary questions ( )

• CDC pushes 3rd shot for teens, as number of deaths reported to VAERS after covid vaccines nears 20,000 ( )

• They were high performing athletes…until covid vaccines destroyed their health ( )

• Young hearts part 7 - more footballers and athletes collapsing and dying ( )

• March of the Vaccine Dead Protest in Italy - British Cardiologist Confirms AHA Study that COVID-19 Shots Causing Heart Attacks ( )
• "Sudden deaths" of children under the age of 12 start surfacing after covid-19 shots approved for this age group ( )

• Ignore the latest nonsense about 'variants'. Stay focused on dangers of covid shots ( )

• Canadian whistleblowers expose 13 stillborn deaths in 24 hours at Lions Gate Hospital caused by covid-19 vaccines ( )

• 2,620 dead babies in VAERS after covid shots… ( )

• A list of people who had their leg amputated after receiving the covid-19 vaccine ( )

• Families of South Korea's covid vaccine victims mourn loved ones during mass memorial service ( )

• Three footballers collapse in three days - ( )

• Paul Dimattina: Australian football league legend rushed to hospital after sever reaction to Pfizer booster shot ( )

• Sithipol Bovornkittipaisal: 26-year-old man dies 1 day after receiving Moderna covid-19 vaccine, investigation launched ( )

• As reports of injuries after covid vaccines near 1 million mark, CDC, FDA clear Pfizer, Moderna boosters for all adults ( )

• 29,034 deaths 2,804,900 injuries following covid shots in European database of adverse reactions - corporate journalists have pericarditis after Pfizer shots ( )

• How many people in key Pfizer covid vaccine trial died? More than Pfizer told you ( )

• Pfizer secretly adds dangerous ingredient to injection for 5 to 11-year-olds as Taiwan stops Pfizer shots for 12 to 17-year-olds ( )

• Surge in reports of serious injuries as 5-year-olds start getting shots ( )

• German news agency compiles list of 75 European athletes who have died "suddenly" in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated. ( )

• Woman left wheelchair-bound with neurological damage hours after Pfizer vaccine dose ( )

• US Children's Hospitals Now Overwhelmed with Infant Cardiac Patients ( )

• Worldwide surge of sports people suffering sudden health issues and death ( )

• mRna shots are 'gene therapy' marketed as 'vaccines' to gain public trust says Big Pharma ( )

• Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids ( )

• Astounding, heartbreaking adverse effects testimony about injections ( )

• Funeral director: "I just see the dead babies in fridges" ( )

• This happened to her daughter Casey after one Pfizer jab ( )

• Two kids die from the same school within a week - ( )

• Another teenage boy died after the "vaccine"…( )

• Covid world war press conference destroyed - "my friends are dead" ( )

• Jabbed up rugby player has massive heart attack and stroke in game ( )

• Fact - deaths due to the covid vaccines in the UK after 6 months are 407% higher than deaths due to all other vaccines combined in the past 11 years ( )

• 17,000+ deaths reported after covid vaccines, including new report of 12-year-old who died after Pfizer vaccine ( )

• Scientist whose wife was injured by covid vaccine tells FDA: 'Please do not give this to kids ( )

• 17-year-old develops multisystem inflammatory syndrome and myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine, report shows ( )

• Murder charges filed after child vax death ( )

• Covid vaccine injury - young healthy man & his partner - now suffer with myocarditis ( )

• Pharmacy manager of 10 years publicly quits her job…( )

• 1600 reports of hair loss following covid-19 shots ( )

• 20-year-old loses her leg after second AstraZeneca jab in Surat Thani ( )

• Nurse can't walk or talk properly after covid booster ( )

• 40 Plus minutes of one major vaccine injury after another ( )

• Covid vaccine injury - woman speaks about her heart condition & warns others ( )

• Millions of vaccine injured people across the world ( )

• Post covid-19 injections: the dead don't speak, but those with crippling injuries issue warnings ( )

• Shocking vaccine admissions from inside the WHO ( )

• Vaccine-induced ADE strikes the UK, MSM spins as 'super cold' ( )

• Covid-19 victims tell their stories ( )

• 13-year-old boy loses eyesight 10 days after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine - mother seeks answers ( )

• 14-year-old boy dies from massive brain bleed hours after receiving his second Pfizer covid-19 vaccine ( )

• Mandated medical worker has both legs, some fingers and one hand amputated after covid injection ( )

• Daughter of man having arm amputated from clots after covid vaccine speaks out ( )

• Horrific: baby paralyzed by covid vaccine ( )

• Covid vaccine multiple injuries - only 16-years-old and her life is completely destroyed ( )

• Doctor's daughter jab reactions ignored ( )

• Government HHS nurse Jodi O'Malley blows whistle on covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths ( )

• Mother screams a warning in agony - her son died 2 days after the covid jab ( )

• Mother in Canada left to die from vaccine injuries ( )

• Horrific side effects of getting covid vaccine while pregnant ( )

• Young woman loses little sister to vaccine - banned on social media ( )

• My best friend killed by the jab - another true horror story of the lethal injection ( )

• Emotional plea "My son received the vaccine and died a few days later" ( )

• FBI agent took the covid vaccine and died within hours ( )

• SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis ( )

• Polio virus to cover up kids jab adverse reactions ( )

• Woman dies of rare brain disease within 3 months of second Pfizer shot, doctor says vaccine could be responsible ( )

• The vaccine murder of Roy Butler must not be covered up ( )

• Navy doctor reveals more soldiers have died from the vaccine than died from covid ( )

• Australians speak out about deaths and adverse reactions soon after receiving covid vaccine ( )

• Enraged mother says the Pfizer vaccine killed her daughter in 5 hours ( )

• Footballer, 23, dead from jab MSM cover it up ( )

• Mother of a 17-year-old girl who lost the use of her limbs after having the Pfizer vaccine ( )

• "Nothing but problems": double vaxxed man warns unvaxxed - 'Stand your ground. It's all a big lie' ( )

• Exclusive interview: mum whose 14-year-old son developed myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine no longer trusts CDC, public health officials ( )

• Covid vaccine deaths "In 6 months. Thousands dead. Millions injured" ( )

• 1000 covid stories - people sharing their adverse reactions from the covid vaccine ( )

• CDC study on 12- to 17-year-olds who got Pfizer vaccine: 397 reports of heart inflammation, 14 deaths ( )

• Covid-19 vax reactions ( )

• Latest CDC VAERS data for 12 to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following covid vaccines ( )

• Minnesota woman loses both legs and both hands following second Pfizer covid-19 shot ( )

• Vaccine damaged woman begs you to reconsider ( )

• Wayne's covid vaccine injury story - I didn't know, nobody told me…& now I have brain damage! ( )

• Stevie Thrasher, 29 years old from Washington, injured after receiving the Pfizer vaccine ( )

• Surgeon who operated on young Italian vaccine victim: 'You have never seen anything like this' ( )

• Woman with life-altering injuries after covid vaccine teams up with U.S. senators to demand answers ( )

• Real people who have been suffering after taking the covid-19 injection ( )

• 13-year-old dies in sleep after receiving Pfizer covid vaccine; CDC investigating ( )

• Dad: My son's school made him get a covid vaccine, now he has a heart condition ( )

• 'Before the vaccine, my son was a healthy athlete. Now he can barely walk' ( )

• Teen who had heart attack after covid vaccine tells Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 'I thought it was safe' ( )

• Preliminary finding of mRNA covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant women ( )

• Julie & Ben - Bell's Palsy and neurological issues covid-19 vaccine reactions ( )

• Kevin's story - covid vaccine injuries ( )

• Hundreds Injured by covid vaccines turn to GoFundMe for help with expenses ( )

• Laura Ingraham - interview with woman who suffered severe brain bleed after Moderna jab ( )
• Mother regrets putting 12-year-old daughter in Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial ( )

• 13-year-old Michigan boy dies three days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine, aunt says 'moral, ethical, health' questions need answers ( )

• FDA adds heart inflammation warning to Pfizer, Moderna covid vaccines as some experts call for full approval ( )

• Heart inflammation linked to covid vaccines in study of U.S. military, department of defense confirms ( )

• Mum of three dies after receiving AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine ( )

• About 13% of pregnant women who were given the covid vaccine suffered miscarriage ( )

• MHRA data shows a 3016% increase in number of women who've lost their unborn child as a result of having the covid vaccine
( )

• Stephanie Wasil, 51, dies of cardiac arrest from the Moderna vaccine ( )

• Parents speak out after their son died from taking the J&J covid vaccine ( )

• Dr Michael Yeadon: the vaccine is fifty times more likely to cause death in children than covid ( )

• Yet another teenager hospitalized with heart inflammation after covid vaccine ( )

• Family of Italian woman who died after Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine launches legal action ( )

• Vietnamese woman dies after receiving AstraZeneca shot ( )

• Greek woman dies following AstraZeneca vaccine blood clot ( )

• Woman with permanent injuries following Johnson & Johnson experimental vaccine stuck with one million dollars in medical bills ( )

• Twelve died last week after covid vaccination, four suffered miscarriages (,-four-suffered-miscarriages )

• 7 U.S. Teens Developed Heart Inflammation After Second Pfizer Vaccine, New Study Shows ( )

• Compilation of injuries and deaths after the covid vaccine ( )

• 920 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby after having the covid vaccine. ( )

• Covid vaccine victims – Telegram ( )

• Brother had to take covid shot for job now in hospital ( )

• More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults ( )

• BBC Radio Newcastle presenter Lisa Shaw died aged 44 after suffering blood clots following covid AstraZeneca jab, her family reveal ( )

• 18-year-old diagnosed with inflamed heart after second jab ( )

• 18 children in hospital just in Connecticut suffering heart problems after 'vaccine' ( )

• Urgent warning - teens experiencing heart problems after jab - Dr Jane Ruby ( )

• 39-year-old model, Malaysian Olympic archer dies days after covid vaccine ( )

• Blood clots from AstraZeneca vaccine - 18-year-old student nurse ( )

• Oregon woman reports blood clot after Johnson & Johnson shot ( )

• Father/son hospitalized with blood clots after taking the vaccine - another dies after the shot ( )

• Canadian woman dies after the AstraZeneca jab ( )

• French ambulance man and nurses alert massive increase in deaths following the shot ( )

• MMA fighter who got sick after Pfizer injection speaks out ( )

• Funeral homes deaths: 2020 no increase in deaths, 2021 increase in deaths after "vaccine" roll out ( )

• Doctors urged to watch out for signs of stroke following covid vaccination ( )

• Covid-19 injections killing and injuring people across the world ( )

• Dr Richard P. Bartlett of Texas - says more patients from injection events than covid ( )

• Eric Clapton feared he would 'never play again' after 'disastrous' time with vaccine ( )

• Man had 6ft of intestine removed after blood clot developed from taking the covid jab ( )

• The fatal reality of vaccine adverse reactions. UK Column reports yet another tragic death following covid-19 vaccination ( )

• 'Vaccine' destroys antibodies in plasma ( )

• Covid vaccine testing on animals stopped due to high death rates ( )

• Severe adverse reactions in children who took the covid-19 vaccine ( )

• Bombshell: Connecticut Govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are deadly ( )

• Reaction to Pfizer 'vaccine' ( )

• 5-month-old baby among dead after mother breast-fed following second Pfizer shot ( )

• Brazil suspends AstraZeneca use in pregnant women, 23 weeks pregnant mother dies ( )

• Healthy teenager hospitalised with brain blood clots after the 1st Pfizer vaccine ( )

• Paramedic whistleblower: 'I am watching vaccines killing people' ( )

• 25 personal testimonies of severe adverse reactions & death from the experimental covid injections ( )

• Australia confirms five new cases of blood clots from the AstraZeneca vaccine in over 50s ( )

• Stamford man vows to battle back after losing his leg weeks after receiving AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccination ( )

• 180 deaths after covid-19 jabs till March 31, 75% within 3 days ( )

• "Never has a vaccine injured so many" (The Israeli people's committee report of adverse events related to the corona vaccine) ( )

• Utah man developed blood clots from the covid vaccine ( )

• 16-year-old girl dead following two doses of the experimental Pfizer covid injections ( )

• Woman in her 40s develops blood clot disorder after covid vaccine ( )

• Australian man dies of a massive blood clot days after receiving covid-19 vaccine ( )

• More blood clots (yet more people developing blood clots after being vaccinated, which the MSM are describing as rare.) – ( )

• 52-year-old woman died after the AstraZeneca vaccine ( )

• Courageous woman speaks out about her adverse reaction to the covid vaccine ( )

• Three covid vaccine victims tell their stories ( )

• Pentagon tracking 14 cases of heart inflammation in troops after covid-19 shots ( )

• Six people with autoimmune conditions in Israel developed shingles after getting Pfizer shots ( )

• Shocking adverse reactions from the covid vaccine ( )

• Paralysis cases reported after Pfizer injection ( )

• Breast-fed baby passes away after mother had the Pfizer covid vaccine ( )

• Two teenage girls suffer cardiac arrest and sadly die within days of having mRNA covid vaccine ( )

• 27-year-old fit and healthy engineer dies three weeks after having AstraZeneca covid vaccine as NHS investigates his death ( )

• Mississippi man suffers stroke 4 hours after receiving covid vaccine ( )

• Pfizer vaccine may cause heart inflammation in people under 30, leaked study suggests ( )

• 30-year-old man hospitalised with blood clots after covid vaccine ( )

• Two-year-old girl dies after being given two covid shots ( )

• Vaccine left girl fighting for life ( )

• 33-year-old woman paralyzed 12 hours after getting the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine (
• Adverse reaction from Johnson & Johnson vaccine ( )

• Canadian doctor shares his concern about covid vaccine after lifelong patients develop side effects ( )

• Man emotionally affected because his aunt was injured by the covid-19 vaccine ( )

• Bell's Palsy from the first dose of the Moderna vaccine ( )

• Pfizer covid-19 vaccine injury - transverse myelitis ( )

• Frontline workers' testimonies vaers reports ( )

• Death by vaccine - man drops dead after vaccine ( )

• Covid jab injury from AstraZeneca vaccine ( )

• Young, healthy man suffers stroke after getting the covid vaccine ( )

• Family testimonials of covid vaccine deaths ( )

• Woman suffers adverse reaction to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine ( )

• Severely injured 12-year-old girl after covid vaccine - Maddie's story ( )

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