Polar Bear enthusiasts Spotted at the beach

3 years ago

White Rock City is very near the USA/Canada border of British Columbia and Washington State. The Pacific Ocean is the body of water that these New Years day celebrators have immersed their warm( at one time) bodies into. A polar bear plunge is an event held during the winter where participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature. In the United States, polar bear plunges are usually held to raise money for a charitable organization. In Canada, polar bear swims are usually held on New Year's Day to celebrate the new year. As you can see it is quite an event. Once organized by the city of White Rock in this location, as well in Vancouver by Vancouver City, which drew huge numbers of participants, the events now are much smaller during this Covid 19 pandemic. Brent the videographer himself said he has never braved the frigid waters himself, which were just above freezing on the surface ,as local temperatures this day were around 2 degrees Celsius or 36 degrees Fahrenheit. Surely not tropical weather for a swim in the ocean. Water temperatures that day were approximately 6.4°C / 43.5°F, slightly warmer than the air temperature. Brrrrr. As always, the event brings out many enthusiastic locals, even some wildlife can be seen.

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