Blood on my Hands - White House Video

3 years ago

Blood on my Hands Music Video (White House)

After experiencing the reaction to “Blood on my Hands,” particularly from veterans, I felt a calling to document with images, music, and commentary America’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, and its ongoing ramifications.

This music video is not a “yesteryear” documentary. Contrarily, it is call to action in the days, months, and years ahead to demand accountability where there has been none, to fiercely fight for Afghan women and children facing the greatest human rights setback of our generation, to support freedom of expression for artists in hiding, and to recognize and assist the heroic organizations rescuing American Citizens, SIV Holders, and Afghan allies still, to this day, abandoned to Taliban atrocity.

Heartfelt thanks to the brave journalists, photojournalists, and private citizens who risk their lives reporting ongoing Taliban atrocities. Thank you, former Vice President Saleh, for your clarity and eloquence. It was important to me that an Afghan leader spoke the last word. I’d also recognize those in the state department who, under challenging circumstances, are assisting evacuation efforts. And to the vets, patriots, and orgs around the world keeping the promise of “No man left behind,” you humble and inspire me. You are the shining light of this dark time. You are the definition of “honor”.

The passing of time will not ease the great shame festering in our collective gut. In fact, America turning the page on Afghanistan would only accelerate the erosion of our moral conscience. I take heart in bi-partisan measures currently being undertaken in Congress that recognize this truth. Until we admit our complicity and implement policy to atone for our actions, I believe that only then will we begin to regain our stature as a nation.

John Ondrasik
Five for Fighting

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